Bodywork & Fitness & Accountability

  • Bodywork

    Have you heard that the “issues are in your tissues?” This specific work will help to reduce & remove your lifetime traumas, tension, stress and pain that has been left in your body. Start to free your body from the inside out and live a healthier, happier and more thrilling version of YOU than ever before. 

  • Fitness

    Move your body to your own rhythm. I’ve “Taylormade” workouts specific to lighting up and opening each Organ Meridian Channel to help you perform at the highest functioning version of you. 

  • Accountability Coach

    I’ll support you in the areas of your life where you need to be accountable. ‘Cause hey, sometimes we just can’t do it ourselves and that’s okay. We will map out a realistic plan and set goals that get you where you want to be.