Coaching Experiences

  • Am I Your Cup of T?

    It all begins with a conversation. Two people coming together to discuss the next steps of YOUR life and how it can truly transform. In our FREE 30 min conversation, you will receive my support and have a clear idea on the next steps of how we can work together.

  • It Takes 2

    It Takes two people coming together to bring something into creation. You’ve committed to yourself and are in the phase of exploring new parts of YOU, with a helping hand. It’s time to get your feet wet! Let the journey begin of discovering who you are!

  • Let's Tango

    It’s time to dance together…Let’s Tango! Here YOU will commit to a more in-depth experience. Let’s dive deep into your process and create life changing transformation. This is not a quick fix. Let’s dance our way to your specific rhythm. 

  • Take it to the Limit

    Push yourself and your limits! Are you ready to commit to something bigger than YOU? To open yourself to new experiences? To unravel & release layers of stagnation, stress and trauma? If you’re ready, then so am I. Let’s Take it to the Limit! This unique experience is tailored to you. This is your time!